Orgasm Control For Better Sex

Orgasm Control For Better Sex

One of, if not THE most beneficial things you can do to increase your pleasure and your partner’s pleasure in bed is to learn how to control your orgasmic reactions. Don’t worry, I’m going to explain exactly what all that means, and even walk you...
Stamina Building Exercises For Masturbation

Stamina Building Exercises For Masturbation

With the Stroke-a-thon on the horizon, it’s time to start working on your stamina building exercises! Not just for those epic multiple mile hikes, or to run a triathlon, but for increased stamina in the bedroom. You may think starting a dick exercise plan just...
Orgasm Control Games

Orgasm Control Games

You know I like cock control games, and those can include things like delayed or denied orgasm, or my favorite, Ruined Orgasms. I wanted to talk a bit about those sorts of orgasm control games for a hot minute, and remind you up front that just because something is my...
Cock Control For Winter Holiday Fun

Cock Control For Winter Holiday Fun

We are rapidly careening towards the Winter Holidays in 2023, and if you’re not excited you should be! Wait until you see what we’re giving away as a company in December, and all the opportunities for you to enjoy a little private time with your favorite...
Guided Masturbation and Edging Phone Sex

Guided Masturbation and Edging Phone Sex

Have you ever wondered what the best thing in the whole entire world is? Well, maybe that’s a topic too big in scope for right now, but a thing that makes me super happy and brings an awful lot of glee into my life is knowing that every day I get to make guys...
What is Cock Control?

What is Cock Control?

Let’s talk a little bit about what cock control is, and what it’s not. You see, cock control is actually very simple, and the name of the game tells you everything you need to know! Just ask yourself: who’s in control of my cock right now? For some...