Cock Slut

No matter how much you try to deny it, we all know exactly what you are. I know, you think it’s shameful and humiliating, so you want to hide the truth away where no one will ever figure you out. Well, you’re not very good at that, I’m afraid, and...

Cocksucking Slut Sissy

As you know, every other day in May I’m writing a lovely bit of dirty erotic fiction for you to enjoy! I thought you’d appreciate a tale from the Slutty Sissy, about how they became the cocksucking slut they really are deep down inside. It takes a lot of...

Why Am I Addicted To Sucking Cock?!

I’ve heard that question so many times, and let me tell you, it’s a doozy. Why am I addicted to sucking cock? There are so many reasons, and none of them really mean that you’re a terrible person for being hooked on dick. Don’t worry,...

Be a Good Cock Slut

I know you love to be a good cock slut. Do you know how to be a good cock slut, though? I know you aspire to the heights of slutty behavior, but sometimes your aspirations don’t quite match up with your skill level. You can work on raising your skill level and...

Good Cocksucker

You want and need to be a good cocksucker, don’t you? You know that being a good cocksucker would please your Mistress, and so now it’s all you can think about. You’ll google tips for cock worship, watch endless videos and pornos about sucking cock,...