Trivia Night!

Trivia Night!

Join us for Trivia Night tonight at 8 pm Eastern in the Community Kink Chatroom. Win prizes, have fun, and show off how much you know about us! See you there!

Meet the Mistresses of the Empire Online

I’d like to invite you all to come one and all to meet the Mistresses! That’s right, you, yes you, are invited to join us in our online enclave of three dimensional digital debauchery on July 6, 2018 at 8 pm EDT. I don’t want you to think that this...

Enchanting Reindeer Game

GET READY TO PLAY OUR ENCHANTING REINDEER GAME! Time to celebrate the holidays with our Enchanting Reindeer Game! It’s easy and fun to play. Call our dispatchers and tell them you want to sign up to play. Give us your name and an email address so we can let you...
Phone Sex Therapy

Phone Sex Therapy

It’s a secret hidden in plain sight that a lot of phone sex therapy happens in between orgasms. By “phone sex therapy” I mean sex therapy that happens over the phone. For various reasons sex therapy is one of those lovely gray areas in the...

Are You Addicted to Phone Sex?

It’s a common thread between many callers: a fear of addiction to phone sex. You’re not alone, if you’ve wondered whether or not you may be or become addicted to phone sex. Sex addiction is a real problem for some people, and finding a surrogate for...