If you have ever hung out with college co-eds then you know that hot girl shit is all the rage. You do NOT have to actually be a ‘hot girl’ to partake, either! The hotness of the ‘hot girl’ is all attitude and internal self identity, not some externally applied judgment from randos who have no impact in your life. You, my darling, can be a hot girl too! That’s what hot girl feminization is all about: an attitude adjustment, an internal recalibration, and makeovers!
Hot Girl Feminization
The process of becoming a hot girl starts with some internal self work. Not to get too therapy speak on you, but you must see yourself as the hot girl you are even when you’re perhaps not perfectly embodying the ideals of hotness or girl-ness. I am certainly never going to tell you that in order to be a woman, girl, or femme presenting person that you must ascend to a certain level of passable imitation of femininity. You do not need to run down a checklist of things to do to appear perfectly womanly in order to become a hot girl. Hot Girl is something you manifest from your soul, ok? From your innermost self! You do not have to ‘pass’ to be a hot girl! That’s lesson one. Write it down, make it a mantra, carve it on the wall over your mirror (or a post-it note stuck on there, probably easier on the rental deposit)!!!
You Do Not Have To Pass To Be A Hot Girl
A Hot Girl is a person who knows they have worth and beauty and aren’t afraid to show it! I know it can be scary and intimidating when you’re just barely starting to explore some of the more secretive and easily hidden ways to express your feminine energy, thinking about expanding beyond your nice safe zone and really going for that hot girl shit. I know! Scary and full of anxiety inducing thoughts and ideas. But, if you’ve listened to my podcast at all, you know that I’ve repeatedly made the point that the vast majority of people Do Not Pay Attention! Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable because people don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them, and most people don’t know what they’re seeing even if they do bother to look. So you wearing women’s jeans and a pink tank top to run down to the mailbox is barely a blip on anyone’s radar. You feel like it’s a big deal because it’s new and scary to you, but to everyone else, it’s just a person getting the mail.
I can prove that no one will pay any attention to you at all. Think about your day so far. How many people have you passed today? Walking down a hall, getting a cup of coffee in the break room or at a coffee shop, the receptionist you see every day… Real quick: how many of the people you’ve seen so far today were wearing closed toed shoes? (If you have a foot or shoe fetish, you probably noticed. Otherwise?) Of those closed toe shoes, how many were ladies shoes? Do you even know what to look for, to see the difference between men’s and women’s footwear? How many people had on lady’s pants? Did any of the people you passed wear makeup? If YOU didn’t notice, I can guarantee you no-one else will notice if you start wearing women’s clothes as part of your Hot Girl Feminization!
Feminization Can Start Small
Start with some of the tips from my Sissy On The Downlow podcast episodes. Embrace a skincare routine that doesn’t involve washing your face with the same soap you use on your ass. Behold: lotion! Grab you some scented bath products and enjoy the slightest lingering scent of pea flower and roses on your skin. Exfoliate! Wear underwear marketed to women, snag yourself a bralette, change your men’s cut T shirts for women’s cut shirts. There are so many super subtle ways to enjoy a touch of hot girl feminization fun and games. Lip balms that moisturize your lips and add a touch of shimmer or tint, style your hair in a more femme way, use lotion so your hands aren’t so rough, and go get a damn manicure. You don’t have to paint your nails to enjoy a cuticle oil and well buffed nails. Hot Girl Shit starts with that internal shift, but then the external ways to embrace your femme energy and nature can be small, subtle, and so easy to implement.
Want A Guided Makeover?
I have shopping lists and advice for DAYS. Give me a call, and I can help set you up for success with a pep talk and some product recommendations. Just keep in mind the very first bit of my advice here: You do not have to pass! You can be a Hot Girl with a lovely well maintained beard. You can be a Hot Girl in a three piece suit (we will not discuss how extremely hot I find women in suits). You can be a Hot Girl! I can help you be the Hot Girl of your dreams.
Your Sissification and Feminization Mistress, Harper
ps: Happy Valentines Day! It’s coming up soon, are you prepared?
I really enjoyed this post. You hit the nail on the head when describing feminine energy. Being the “hot girl” is so much more than just the way you look. It’s definitely a vibe you give out and…who would know better about being a hot girl than one of the hottest femdoms I know, Mistress Harper.
Aww, Ms Tia, you’re too sweet! <3
I do like to think all the Mistresses here know about hot girl energy, and what it really takes to fully embody it! You're certainly one of the very hottest of the hot girls here!
Lots of hot lipstick really helps. . .
Whatever gets you in the mood and helps you embrace the hotness within! If that’s lipstick, go wild babe.
This one time, I got a complete make up make-over on my face. All of it, everywhere, complete. I was wearing only men’s clothes. I then walked all around the mall for over 2 hours. I looked people right in the face, – no reaction. I went everywhere and no one noticed! Finally I was coming out of a line at the end of buying something and this one lady noticed me, and she was so angry and upset about me having a “womanly” face and man everything else. Well, I just felt sorry for her, it must have been so frustrating for her, no one else noticing her and her wild gesticulations. Ok, I did smirk at her, she deserved it. She wanted to be mean to me but no one else would participate in that with her. Her generation has come and gone, it was totally safe for me. And OH my face was hot that day!
I keep on telling folks! No one pays any attention to what’s going on around them. This is why eyewitness testimony is bullshit, and also why everyone should just wear what you want and put anything on your face. No one cares, and the people who do notice and have a negative opinion, who cares about them anyway? Fuck it, be the glorious gender explosion of your dreams!
I made a short comment here a while ago, but now I want to say more! How to be hot. . .
Must be more than lipstick. I am wearing lots of it of course! But, I imagine my vulnerability would be an asset. You make me up hot, put me in a cute schoolgirl outfit and show me off to your friend. I am horribly embarrassed, but you push me forward. My humiliation excites him all the more, especially when you make me re-apply my lipstick while he watches.
Innocent looking schoolgirl, so embarrassed she’s about to cry, lots of creamy lipstick on fresh virgin lips, how hot is that?
Innocent looking, but we all know the real truth, right? You only look innocent, that bright red lipstick tells the truth about you…
Since the podcast, I’ve upped my self-care routine with lotions and daily shaving. You’re right. No one else knows but me, but it’s having an incredible impact on my day to day femme energy. In my head, I’m a hottie!
Good for you! Embrace that hottie energy, and enjoy the subtle feminization!!!! ❤️❤️❤️