I know that you know all about the Pass the Penis Masturbation Game, and if you don’t, well, surprise! Pass the Penis is a game we can play with your dick, in which you are passed from one Mistress to the next, for ten minutes at a time (or longer, could you take 20 minutes with each lady?), until you either pop in defeat to our superb edging skills, or emerge victorious, having resisted and remained chaste! It’s a fantastic way to experience a bevy of ladies all dead set on teasing you and making you whimper and beg. You get to have a lot of fun, meet new and interesting Mistresses and experience our styles of domination, and we get to render you down into a squirming puddle of goo.
If you’ve never played the pass the penis masturbation game, you should arrange a session right now!
Right now! Find your private space, set aside at least an hour, and call one of our dispatchers to set up your string of sessions now! You don’t want to test your endurance, and would rather be feminized? Pass the Sissy is the same basic format but the goal of the game is much different. Imagine a salon day in which you’re moved from station to station and at the end you emerge like a beautiful butterfly from your cocoon of masculine mediocrity. Or Pass the Loser, in which you try desperately to get the attention of the ladies and Mistresses, only to fail, repeatedly. You can read more about the variations on Pass the Penis in my most recent blog for the Daily Cock!
Maybe you need some more convincing?
You should watch, and listen to, a collaborative project the Ladies have worked very hard on for you. Mistress Rachel spearheaded and motivated us all to provide clips of our voices, and then edited them together into one glorious Pass the Penis tease audio for you! Duchess Willow then used that audio as the soundtrack to a video, for those who need to see the faces of the 11 Mistresses taunting you to come play with us. What do you think? Is the audio persuasive? Imagine each of us, one after another, picking up the phone with you to tease you and make you hornier than you’ve ever been in your life!
Pass the Penis!
Call us now for your new favorite tease and delay game, sissification game, or ignore fetish game! You know you want to, so why deny yourself? (Denying you is our job!)
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