Harper controls you with a smile 800 356 6169So you think you’re one of the world class greatest, most generous lovers?

Let’s see if you really pass the test of generosity in bed. Are you really a good, generous lover, or are you a selfish prick in the sack? One easy way to find out if you’re a generous lover is to ask your partner, and assure them that you want them to be honest, because you want to improve yourself and be the best lover you can be. Just, one symptom that you may not be the best out there is if your partner giggles at the idea of you as a generous or good lover, so brace yourself for a little humiliation.

A generous lover always orgasms last.

It’s a well known fact that once a man ejaculates, it’s all over. The trope of the male lover is that as soon as he gets his, he’s no longer interested in sex (until he ‘recharges’.) The selfish quick cummer finishes up, sighs, and rolls over and goes to sleep, leaving his partner unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Fellas, you may want to learn some control, and cock tease  edging games can give you the fortitude to last longer.

A generous lover knows how to use their whole body to please their partner.

I’m talking oral, guys. You need to get you mouth down into the action and lick that clit. Go for the labia, the vagina, the entire vulva region. Tongue, lips, mouth, and, heck, get your fingers involved too! It’s about more than just your dick, men. Penis alone will not earn you ‘Generous Lover’ cred.

A truly generous lover knows when to get out of the way.

Sometimes, what you’ve been gifted with is just not enough. You may be too small to please her, you may chronically cum your pants at the mere thought of her pussy, and you may just really suck at oral. Maybe you’re just really not very good at fucking. When that happens, you need to shelf the ego and get the fuck out of the way. Make room in the bedroom for a stud cock. Let her know you’d be willing to step aside for a real man with skills in the bedroom. Be the generous lover, and call for the stunt cock.

So that’s it! Are you a generous lover, or a selfish prick?