There’s a belief in new age circles that as we get closer to Halloween, the walls between the spirits and the living thin.
Do you believe in that? That there are barriers to keep the wakeful dead from reaching from their unquiet graves to meddle in our lives? There are things that go ‘bump’ in the night, hungry, thirsty things, that want to ~eat you~…
I bet you do. I bet you shivered just thinking of it.
It’s ok, there’s no need to be afraid of the unseen influences of the spirit realm. It’s not like I’m actually a Wiccan Priestess, a curandero sworn to Chango or a secret follower of some esoteric mystery cult. Oh, wait…oops. It turns out that I am actually all of the above! Oh dear, now you know my secret.
Did you know how much of your hidden desires play right into my hands?
You want to have your cock controlled, your orgasms claimed, and your body, mind and even your soul owned by a dominant woman. You want a fem dom to take you over and make you new. No worries there, darling. I’ll take you over, right enough, and I’ll sacrifice you to my gods.
Oh, did that sound too ominous for you?
Everyone knows that the most potent ingredients for spells come from bodies. Fingernails, hair clippings, sweat and, of course, cum. Potent, amazing, magical cum. If you want to keep your cum safe from my spell casting for Halloween, you should swallow it down yourself. It’ll make your whole body more energized and keep you safe from being woven into any lust spells.
Honest. You should eat your cum to keep it safe.
Would I lead you astray? This close to Halloween, when the walls between the restless ghosts and the living sacrifices are so very, very thin?
What do you think?
It arouses me that you are a Wiccan Priestess; and, I wish I could belong to your estoeric, secret cult.
I also wish you would take me over; and, literally sacrifice me to your gods; and, goddesses!