The astute reader will be able to read a lot into a phone sex Mistress’s profile.

Her word choice, phrasing, any colloquialisms used as well as how elevated or educated she seems to speak all speak to the reader about the Mistress. For instance, in my profile (Mistress Harper), you can tell that I’m a bit of a sexual advocate, that I’m all about female power and sexuality and that I hold strong opinions. Mistress Ryan is an eloquent changeling who’ll take over every aspect of your cock, controlling you and molding you to her will.

You can look to a Mistress’s blog for more insight into her mind.

Kinky Empress Simone has a serious love for cuckolds, presents and being pampered! The super sexy Mistress Olivia is cerebral, well informed and hot as hell. If you go through the list of Mistress blogs on the side bar on the right, you’ll find 70+ Mistresses, laid bare for your delectation and inspection. You can learn a LOT about a Mistress from the things she writes about!

And there’s one more place to look for insight into your Mistress.

I was talking to a longtime caller for the company, and he mentioned that before there were blogs, you got to know your Mistress by looking at her… Amazon wishlist. And you know, he’s right! The things we Mistresses lust after, ask for, list as joyful things we’d love to have can tell you an awful awful lot about us. Take Simone’s wishlist, for example… bath products, jewelry, and I see that she’s a Harry Potter fan! (omg, can’t wait for the final movie!!!) Olivia’s wishlist reveals that she’s into healthy living, she likes music and movies, and has an interesting thing going on with Ice T. lol!

Goddess Harper (800)356-6169So what does my wishlist tell you?

Let’s see… I’m an artist with a serious fascination with Prismacolor products, I love the color red, I have a coffee habit, like high end sex toys and have a ‘thing’ about poetry. What else can you discern about me from my wishlist? (and I’ve been going through adding comments to everything… the funny ones start on page two, fyi.)