Small Penis Cuckold – It’s What You Deserve

It’s such a shame that you have such a small penis, cuckold. If you had an actual cock, you wouldn’t make such a delightful cuckie. As it is, everyone knows that when you’ve got a lover with a small dick, there’s only two things to do with him....

Cuckold Chastity and Cock Control For Beta Males

Let’s be real: if you’re not an alpha male, you need to be kept locked in cuckold chastity forever. That seems a little reactionary and extreme coming from me, doesn’t it? Well, it is, and yet I’m going to stand by it. If you’re the sort...

Three Signs of a Generous Lover

So you think you’re one of the world class greatest, most generous lovers? Let’s see if you really pass the test of generosity in bed. Are you really a good, generous lover, or are you a selfish prick in the sack? One easy way to find out if you’re a...

Little Dick Cuckold Gets to Watch

Once upon a time I dated a guy with a really small penis. I will admit, it wasn’t all bad. I mean, sure, he was incapable of pleasing me with his dicklette, but at least he didn’t try to stop me from getting my needs met with petty jealousy and power...

Fall Victim to Your Mistress

To fall victim to someone, or something, is to be taken in some manner. You can be taken for a ride, you can be taken for all you’re worth, you can be taken in the sexual sense, and you can be taken in by a pretty face. When you fall victim to me, you become...

Wouldn’t You Like to Watch?

Goodness knows you watch a lot of porn. Don’t act all surprised, like it’s a secret, because it’s really not. You watch porn. You cue it up on your computer at work, at home, in between chores and when you’re bored. When you’re horny,...