You know I like cock control games, and those can include things like delayed or denied orgasm, or my favorite, Ruined Orgasms. I wanted to talk a bit about those sorts of orgasm control games for a hot minute, and remind you up front that just because something is my favorite it doesn’t mean that’s what I’m gonna inflict on you without your enthusiastic consent. I like cherry ice cream, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your favorite flavor any more, you know what I mean? Cum control is way more fun when I play it with a willing partner. So let me tell you why you should let me control every aspect of your masturbation (especially the ending)!

Cum On Command

Mistress Harper Orgasm Control Through Guided MasturbationHave you ever seen someone cum on command? I have, and it’s so fucking hot. I can’t even tell you how much it turns me on to think of being able to tell you to ‘cum for me now’ and have you just obey. Go from flaccid and not aroused at all to immediately hard and jizzing in your pants. We can play this sort of a game out to dinner in a restaurant, grabbing some groceries, or just sitting around watching TV before bed. One minute you’re living your life as usual and the next you’ve got a wet spot and feel dizzy. There’s a fair bit of work needed to really train you to cum on command, we’d need to play with a lot of edging, denial, and timed release, but once the proper triggers are in your head, oh boy. You’re gonna love it.

Learned Erectile Dysfunction

One of my pets loves the idea of being turned into a prejac loser. Premature ejaculation is usually a thing folks work to avoid, and if you’d like that sort of training I can help, but some of my humiliation addicts love the thought of ruining themselves to the point that they can’t last with their partners at all. Two pump chumps, real minute men, hair trigger losers with a tendency to go off at the slightest provocation. Yes, you can learn to cum too fast, and it all starts with some orgasm control games. It’ll help if you’re really horny, so be prepared for chastity and a lot of orgasm denial.

Orgasm Control Games

I’ve mentioned a few of the sorts of games we can play together, but I think you need a little taste of what real orgasm control feels like. Because all the control games require a degree of submission, you’re going to have to put aside your rational mind and simply do what I tell you to do here. No questioning, no trying to find a way around my instructions, and no wimping out halfway, either. I love a good brat that has to fight a little, struggle to submit fully, but since this is a written set of instructions there’s no real way for you to push back without robbing yourself of the full effect. If you need to adjust the game, that’s fine, but you may want to call me up or arrange a text session for that, so it’s more interactive, and you get the joy of submitting to my control.

Here’s the Game:

For the next week you’re not allowed to cum at all. You may stroke, and in fact, I want you to touch yourself and masturbate for me! Get out your calendar or a bit of paper, and mark out your seven days. On the first day, I want you to edge just one time. Day two, you get two edges! See where this is going? Day three, you can edge yourself three times, and feel free to spread them out for me. Now pay attention, the pattern is going to change. Day four you edge FIVE times, while on day five you get eight. (Am I using the Fibonacci? maybe.) Day six gives you thirteen edges, spread out or all in one session, and let me tell you I recommend arranging your seven days to culminate on a weekend with no other plans. Day seven gives you twenty one edges to complete. Feel horny yet? You still don’t get to cum, this is all about orgasm control, heavy emphasis on the control.

There are a few ways we can end our game together, whether that’s by having you watch endless porn until you cum in your panties untouched, or by locking you in chastity for a while to really enjoy the blue balls. What do you wish I’d do to you, to wind up your week of orgasm control games?

Your Cum Control Mistress, Harper

xoxo, Harper