Let’s keep going with our countdown to Christmas! You’ve done your Ten Strokes for Mistress, and then tried out Nine Fetishes (you can spread them out over multiple days), so now let’s celebrate the eighth day before Christmas with some extreme edging! That’s right, today you get eight edged orgasms!
If you’ve never edged before, you’re in for a treat!
Edging is a fun way to bring even more pleasure and excitement to your masturbation games. All you need to do is jerk off as normal, but, right as you’re getting close to an explosive finish, you simply slow down or stop stroking yourself. As the name implies, you want to get close to the edge without going over! That’s got to be one of my favorite ways to increase your desire and lust and eventual pleasure, without needing to buy any fancy toys or tools! All you need is the willpower to be so close to orgasm, and yet… simply stop before you cum. That’s why, for today’s countdown, I want you to give me eight edged orgasms!
Eight Edged Orgasms for Christmas!
Now you can’t say I never got you anything for your Christmas gift! I’m giving you the gift of eight edged orgasms, and if you’re very good, you’ll take your time with them. I do so love to have you edge for me, with a nice big pause between each edge, so you can back away and calm down, and then begin again. There’s no need to edge and then maintain that edge, when you can work to really prolong your pleasure all day long. Space out these eight edged orgasmic moments of bliss, so that when you finally do finish, you’ll really appreciate it!
Should I let you cum at the end?
It is traditional to leave the question of whether or not you get to have an orgasm at the end of your edging session up to your Mistress. So, what do you think? Should I let you cum after eight edged orgasms, or should I leave you horny and desperate? Realistically, I know that I can’t reach through the internet and smack your knuckles if you cum without permission. But, I will tell you that if I have my way, you would refrain from orgasm, even after such an intensive day of edging as this! I know what’s coming up for the rest of the countdown, and I don’t want you to spoil it with an orgasm now!
Edge for your Mistress, Harper!
And don’t forget, I am still running my Winter 2020 Specials, so you should jump on that! And call me up, let me hear you moan for some of these edges, too.
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