It’s about control.
Not just controlling your cock, though that’s a part of it. No, I mean that it’s all about control, in it’s rawest, purest form. Control over another living, breathing human being. That’s just, fuck, that’s hot. To see you kneel in front of me like that? So open and vulnerable and needing…
It’s about trust.
You trust me to meet your needs. Not just the things you desire, the erotic humiliation and the cock control, but your deeper needs. Your need to be still, to be broken open until you cry out; you trust me to do that for you and I, well, I trust you to take it. I trust you to tell me where your limits and edges are, to inform me when I hit a rough patch, and I trust you to come undone for me.
It’s about power.
If you’ve never handed your power to another person, made yourself vulnerable and open to them, then you just won’t get it. Let me see if I can explain it. Imagine that you agree to it, that you willingly kneel down, put your hands behind your back. That you let me tie you, restrain you in bonds of silk scarves. That you let me whisper filthy phrases in your ear, call you names and tease the ever loving shit out of your cock. You make yourself into the clay that I sculpt.
It’s about fantasy.
Because, ultimately, control, power, trust… all that stuff are intangible things, they don’t exist in a form that can be held in your hands. They’re all in your head. They all exist in the world of fantasy. The reality of power play is that it is a fantasy. All of it.
OMG, I love this. So open; so specific and directed; so … nasty, and deliberate, too. So taunting and blatantly tongue in cheek. But then, you are the ultimate Siren, after all; weaving and spinning your song of words; luring us to crash upon your rocks and break up into bits and pieces of submission; and … to look forward to it, feeling rewarded already by the invitation in the spelling-out of it. Fuck.
… But, ” … ultimately, control, power, trust … all that stuff are …” (oops, there is that tense-challenged thing, again. *giggles, um … again*.) … and, “The reality of power play is that it is a fantasy. All of it.” There is so much truth in that, that it is profound. It is, or can be, the ultimate “meeting of the minds”. Except that, the fantasy becomes the reality, in time. … “When you look long into the abyss, the abyss looks into you.”
… Friedrich Nietzsche
I tend to go from a rather Buddhist point of view, in that all of reality arises first in the mind. If you put enough thought into it, it becomes real. 😉
And, hey, I was writing off the cuff, so of course there are tense issues. I soo need a copyeditor. 😀