Right now there’s a little bit of a pervasive culture war happening around us, and I’m sure you’ve noticed it. The proximal cause is the use of automatic moderation algorithms on large social media sites to prevent users from violating the Terms of Service. Often, those auto-mods aren’t set up for nuance, and instead trigger on single specific words; this leads to trying to talk about human behavior and basic life issues without triggering the robots. But if you look a little wider, it’s not just poorly programmed bots causing issues. The TOS on big social media sites are written to comply with overarching content laws, and those are written by people with poorly concealed agendas. The modern push towards embracing a sort of Purity Culture leaves happy Perverts with sex lives feeling left out in the cold, and guiltily dirty and ashamed.
Perverts and Purity Culture
There’s a reason I’m using the phrases “perverts” and “purity culture.” There are forces out there that want to divide the world into those two camps, and trick you into thinking that if you’re in one camp you can’t possibly be in the other. Oh those tricky polar opposites, like apples and oranges, so easily set up and then they flop if you think about it for two seconds. People who want to be good, righteous, and pure can’t possibly be perverts, right?! And anyone who gets stuck with the ‘pervert’ label is dirty, degenerate, filthy, and impure, obviously. This sort of black and white thinking is dangerous, because it allows bad actors to put on sheep’s wool and blend in with the flock, unsuspected and unseen. But don’t take that as some sort of a call to root out the dirty wankers, because that’s not the point I’m making at all. Instead, consider that a lot of people who get called pervert and unclean are actually good people who happen to like to masturbate or maybe have a fetish you’ve never heard of before.
Us and Them thinking splits us up into diametrically opposing camps and makes us all easy to manipulate and control. Kinky fuckers like myself can also be good people who volunteer with community groups and donate to the Food Bank. Good people who hand out blankets to the homeless can also love being told they’re a slut and coerced into cock sucking games. There is no ‘us versus them’! There is just We, Us, all us Folks out here trying to do our best.
Trans Lives Matter
You can easily hit your search engine of choice and find the real world consequences of the Purity Culture War. Someone with a megaphone and an opinion opens their mouth-hole to spew bile and someone else reaps the results, with their bodies on the line. I don’t even have to name names or point out specifics, because no matter when you look, you’ll find example upon example of what happens when someone decides that someone else is a Pervert that needs to be stopped. It’s disheartening and sickening and wrong.
There is no ‘Them versus Us.’ When you let other people tell you what is dirty and bad, you’re abdicating your ability to think and reason logically, and to decide for yourself. Whether that’s a fetish you think is icky, like cum eating or sploshing around in a can of beans, or a form of prayer you don’t like, letting other people dictate which is acceptable just leads to charismatic authoritarianism. Maybe you think the worst thing you could ever do, the most humiliating act in the world, would be to suck a black man’s cock (or kiss his feet, or even worse, wash his feet with your hair!) Perhaps you find the idea of putting on panties and lingerie to be so embarrassing it makes your cock leak, and the fear and guilt and shame has built up and up and up until you both orgasm and need to go find someone to take your shame out with. There is nothing wrong with any of those fetishes, so long as you and your partners all consent to play these games.
Suck cock! Wear panties! Enjoy sitting in a cream pie! None of those are impure or dirty. And you are not impure or dirty for finding them arousing.
Perverts Unite!
The main problem with the Purity Culture creep is that more and more benign expressions of sexuality are becoming forbidden. In the rush to eliminate all the perverts from public life, all expressions of individuality and self expression are becoming suspect, and hushed. From ‘No Leather At Pride’ to trying to ban trans people from being near public institutions (and restrooms, even!), the push to only present ‘acceptable’ forms of perverted sexual behavior only stifles us all. That’s why all us perverts need to unite! It doesn’t matter what your pervert thing is, standing in solidarity with other perverts and pushing back against stupid auto-moderation, overly Puritan terms of service, and the attempts to shove us all into hiding is the only way to ensure that you and I won’t get limited to some sort of pastel cottage core tradwife hellscape. (If that’s your kink, you do you; I’ll support your fetish, but please don’t try to make me into a housewife! Can you even imagine?!!!)
I know Masturbation May is the more traditional month to wank and jerk off, but let’s get a head start in March. Set aside the fear, guilt, and shame, and masturbate! Get off on what gets you horny! Reject Purity Culture and sit on a cake!
Your very Impure Mistress, Harper
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oh my never cross my mind to ask you to be a housewife that’s
my role
and you fill that role perfectly! the best sweet sissy housewife ever! <3
Oh jeez, Purity Culture. ironically it can’t really exist except as a fake facade. Oh, there are those who will say it exists and try to build it but in the end it is still nothing more than a movie set. As soon as you start poking around you see it.
But you are right. I say it can’t exist but it does, as phony as it is, because of the puritan peddlers, which is why it has to have holes poked in it with a united front.
It will exist as long as the peddlers can get people to believe it. Then it is (seems) real.
Ironically, have you ever noticed how the biggest proponents of any ‘movement’ are usually the biggest offenders of it? The defenders turned offenders.
That is very much alive in the mostly Republican party lately.
They want to trample personal rights, push their puritan narrative on us and yet they themselves are most guilty.
The hypocrisy is too much. The Maga-aligned Republican Congresswoman and self proclaimed Christian Lauren Boebert was seen being sexually fondled and publicly slobbering over her lover in a theater just weeks after her divorce is just one example. Everything Trump does of course could fill a phonebook.
Insert your own example here: ______________________________________.
The Republicans, most of them, voted to ban contraceptives, and of course abortion, among other things that are part of our personal and sexual freedoms and yet if any one of those fucktoids got their ‘mistress’ pregnant they would be the first to be rushing her to an abortion clinic, knocking the people in front of them out of their way before it was found out and turned in a scandal.
THAT is the real scandal.
Can you imagine contraceptives actually illegal in our country in this day and age? SMH.
I think it’s time to change their symbol from an elephant to a hippo.
Make them all take a hippocratic [sic] oath if they want to push their purity on us then we can publicly ‘burn them at the stake’ when they break it.
But I digress. Your focus was more on the online purity pushers, auto-moderation, bots, algorithms on social media etc.
Their subtle subversity is the worst. It is sneakier, hidden somewhat, designed to modify our thinking over time without our noticing. Their algorithms change our behavior and freedom of speech.
At least the loud ones yelling it through a mega phone we know what to do with, stand up to them and yell back.
Yes, all ‘perverts’ unite! Speak up! Let our voices be heard!
Rip the pants off the Purity Culture creep and point to their tiny penis or the panties they are wearing.
Expose their own hypocrisy!
We need to subvert the word PURITY into an acronym to fight their oppression!
Transforming the
Anyone is welcome to come up with a better one.
Anyhow, I certainly don’t want my individual, self-expressive, consensual, forbidden, wonderfully dirty, perverted, boned up, humiliating, degrading fetishes swept under the puritan auto-moderation rug.
If I want to eat, lick, drink and dump my own cum on myself in front of you women I wanna do it!
If I want a room full of women cumming in a punch bowl, ordering me to do the same then you as a suburban housewife grabbing me by the hair and plunging my face in it while you all laugh then… oh, wait, did I say that last one out loud?
The taboo nature of it is fine but it had better NOT be stricken from or violate any ignoramus Terms of Service.
Perverted We Stand!
Divided We Fall!
Untied We Stand!
Moderated We Fall!
With Harper We Stand!
Without Harper… um, my sexual life isn’t spicey enough
Mistress Harper is awesome! Mistress Harper Rules Me with a Velvety Fist!
Mistress Harper is My Queen of Torment!!! I love Mistress Harper!!!
You did say that out loud and I have made a note of it for future use, just so you know.
I am very much not a fan of automoderation bots, because they’re prone to failure and also programmed to eliminate the good stuff in life! When Tumblr first pushed their porn ban, the automodbots keep flagging classic art that happened to contain nudity. They flagged a picture of sand dunes as erotic because it was tan and had curves. I get it, a good xeriscape is sexy, but damn.
Sounds like Instagram where art nudes, paintings and drawings, are constantly getting flagged. Artists getting their posts removed, getting shadow banned etc.
Meanwhile the ‘strippers’ and soft porn, literally, proliferates and Instagram does ZERO about them.
I bet those stripper accounts are getting flagged too, they just make more and more and more accounts, because for those businesses it’s not about a following long term, but eyes on the ad right now. people who want to see strippers aren’t likely to follow their career as artists, but to get a wild hair and urge and go to the show on the weekend. they need to catch eyes and impressions, just long enough to link to that fleeting urge. so having to make a new account each week is annoying, but relatively low cost because it’s not about a following. painters and other artists want a following because the urge to buy art is different. it’s less ‘in the moment’ and more long term and contemplative. you have to show someone your work fifteen times before they go ‘yeah, I’ll buy that one’. so for you, a following is important, it builds the time to get those fifteen or twenty looks that lead to a purchase.
All true. They may be getting flagged too and when they do get closed by the IG weiny ‘moral police’ I’m sure not until they have gotten their own jerk jollies first.
Fucking hypocrites.
There are A LOT of no bras shaking tits too, clothed, lingerie but thin see through, nipples poking…
The strippers accounts are more online than in brick and mortar clubs I think. It’s for them getting people to their paysite I’m sure. I ignore them.
There is no way they can ‘do me’ like you mistresses here!????
None the less it’s irksome that artists get picked on at all. It’s IG’s damn auto-bots which does the flagging, although it’s more like a flogging, call it what it is.?
Problem, no humans to appeal to without major hassle and days with accounts banned, blocked, locked or whatever. Even then, often it falls on deaf ears.
As you said, artists rely on their following.
Yes, to all of this! And it’s why I think automoderation is a bad thing in general. Also, overly strict moderation policies, because honestly a little titty shaking isn’t all that bad in the grand scheme of things. Human bodies have nipples (baring injury or illness), and breast tissue gets wobbly and moves around. Trying to make everyone’s chest look and move like a barbie chestplate is a big part of the neutering of sexuality and expression. American ideas about what’s ok to do and show in public are very different from European ideas, for example, and I’m specifically calling out that unique American Puritanical Bullshit. 😛 Let the titties fly! (maybe no naked genitals on posts that are public though. keep that to accounts that are clearly marked ‘over 18 only’.)
Those who wish to strip away our freedoms are generally the ones with the biggest kinks and shame. Honestly, what 2 consenting adults and their bull and mistress wish to do should be no one’s concern except the neighbors who hear some moaning.
Perfectly said! Yes, it’s between me, my lover, and the sad sack in the corner. If the neighbors didn’t want to hear they should close their windows. 😛
This freaks me out a little bit. Because it is all so true. What I have done for fun, in the past. Is I go up to one of these Puritan losers and I just say right out (to a guy) : “Is that your boyfriend over there? You sure seem to look at him in a special way”. He clenches his whole body and maybe even starts to sweat a little. and then “do you guys go out a lot” and even
“what’s it like to kiss another man?” and then as he runs away I’ll yell – “Oh, you want Me to leave You alone?” – ”how’s it feel to be accussed like that?” , “time for you to just leave people alone!,asshole”. It’s a lot of fun to see these bullies just wimp out. I suppose I have to start doing this again.
Oooh, you do like to fly right up on the edge, don’t you? Playing with fire!
//note to self – do not mansplain false dichotomy to Harper…
False dichotomies seem to be the bread and butter for those seeking power.
Convince people that there are only two options and that you are the “good” option then the other must be the “evil” option.
I hate it because in US politics, both sides do it, and anyone who doesn’t accept the false dichotomy is then labelled as evil by BOTH sides and shunned by people on BOTH sides.
With respect to “perverts”, there is a real dichotomy – consensual perversion and non-consensual perversion.
The former is fun and should not be anyone’s else’s business.
The latter leads to the four letter “r” word that also contains the letters a and p and e.
It seems to me that the latter type of pervert is not created by purity culture but is attracted to purity culture because A) the authoritarian structure of purity culture fits the authoritarian structure of their non-consensual perversion and because B) they can hide in purity culture, using the false dichotomy of being “good” and anyone who opposes them being “evil”.
In my opinion, not based upon academic studies, so a few grains of salt are needed.