I’m sure you’re perfectly aware already that I’m very much a supporter of and advocate for trans rights, and the rights of all LGBTQIA+ identities! Obviously, given that I’m a member of the community! I’m bi or pansexual and aromantic, and a little bit gender queer. Let me take a moment to explain a few terms, because June is Pride Month, and you know you need to be up to date on all the lingo before you head to the parade. I also really want to let you all know that whatever and however you identify, the entire cohort of Ladies from the Empire can and will provide you with excellent Inclusive and Diverse Phone Sex, all backed by our longstanding money back guarantee.

That’s right, I, Harper, your Mistress of all things awesome, am queer as a football bat!

Inclusive and Diverse Phone Sex with the Enchantrix EmpireYou’ll notice that I listed three different things when I was identifying myself. That’s because it’s possible to break your identity down into three major chunks. Your sexual orientation, your romantic orientation, and your gender identity. Thanks to the efforts of the lovely forum dwellers at AVEN (the Asexual Visibility and Education Network), we have the split attraction model. This breaks sexual and romantic attraction into two separate avenues of expression! Who you want to date, and spend time with, and build a relationship with, and who you want to get down and dirty and nasty with, sexually. For myself, I’m open to sex with anyone that consents. I don’t care about what’s between your legs or how you think of yourself, if you and I have chemistry, let’s go be dirty together. But when it comes to stuff like marriage and moving in together? Oh, no thank you, you can have my share of that.

Lastly in the trio is the gender identity! How you think of yourself in terms of your gender expression is a big one! You’re probably aware of the trans/cis dichotomy, but there’s more out there. In addition to people who agree with the gender they were identified as at birth, there are folks who disagree. And then, alongside the disagreeing folks are the ones who seem to swap back and forth, or experience no real preference to either end of the male to female spectrum. Gender can be a lot more than a binary system of either/or, where a person is either male or female, but not both at once… in fact, both is a valid identity! So is ‘none’, or ‘sometimes male and sometimes female.’ I’m genderqueer, sometimes I wish I had a penis, most of the time I’m quite happy with my vagina, and every now and then I have a very hot dream about what it’d be like to have a dick.

How’s that for sliding a bunch of terminology in on you all sneaky-like?

There are more micro-labels than you’d realize or think, but you don’t have to worry about learning all those right this second! In fact, you can get by pretty well with just knowing that your romantic and sexual attractions don’t have to line up (this is how there are men married to women who love to suck cock, for example), and that your inner gender identity can be different from your expression of your gender. Your gender expression is how you act, while your identity is who you are on the inside. I wear skirts and dresses and love makeup and fancy hair, but sometimes I imagine that I’m more masculine, and swish my skirt in a manly fashion. You don’t have to change the way you act to match your inner life unless you want to.

If you do want to explore your gender expression, you’re in a good place for it!

Remember, gender expression is how  you act. A lot of folks explore the sissy fetish in order to get in touch with their feminine side, and see how it feels to wear makeup and dresses, and take on a more feminine role sexually. Obviously we cater to sissies, cocksuckers, and other expressions of sexuality that aren’t vanilla heterosexual phone sex staples. In fact, a lot of our callers are exploring gender and sexuality with us without consciously being aware of it, and have been for years! LDW Group and the Enchantrix Empire provides inclusive and diverse phone sex experiences and has done so for the past two decades.

The Ladies of the Empire are the definition of inclusive and diverse!

From Bethany, our Babe with a Boner to Olivia, Queen of all things smart and sexual, over to Duchhess Willow our Ebony Badass, to all the ladies both new and old hands here, we love and accept you no matter what form or shape your sexual expression takes. Talk to Daphne about your love of the medical fetishes and explore your gender and sexuality with her, or give Constance a call to discuss your desire for a good deep ass fucking. Or call me, for both information on transition and living as your truest self and guidance towards a mind blowing Tantric orgasm. The sky’s the limit and no matter what you’re interested in, you’ll find it here with us.

Ready for inclusive and diverse phone sex?

Of course you are. Why else would you be here? You’re ready. Go ahead, get your outfit ready and give us a call.

Your welcoming and inclusive Mistress, Harper

ps: when you call, don’t forget that you can ask our dispatchers to call you by the pronouns you use!Fetish Mistress Harper 800 356 6169