The best part of having you as my personal bitch is when you kneel and worship my body.
Pathetic weak creatures like you need a strong female to control and lead you. Males are so terribly fragile and helpless when it comes to the things that truly matter; you only have to look at the state of the world today to see the truth. When a male is left to his own devices, he becomes unruly and prone to grandiose delusions of competence. A man who has been without a firm female hand on his leash for too long can come to actually believe that he doesn’t need to kneel and worship anyone other than himself. This self-idolatry leads directly to the fragile male ego running amok.
As you all know, I am a proponent of Female Led Relationships; as part of an FLR, regular body worship is a ~must~.
Traditional masculinity demands that so many men ignore their emotions and soft, vulnerable sides. This is like asking someone to psychically amputate half of their self! We all, no matter what sort of genitalia we have, can be harsh and strict, as well as sweet and sensual. The problem is that men today are socialized to totally ignore their own sweetly vulnerable side. Men who have successfully cut themselves off from their emotions are seen as ‘alpha’ males, as the epitome of masculinity, and as the peak pinnacle of what is desired in men. These men have, along with cutting off their softer emotions, also cut themselves off from intimacy, empathy, and the ability to give and receive kindness. Body worship, applied as a therapeutic technique for males, can lead these poor pathetic wretches back to something approaching humanity.
The process is very simple: kneel and worship, like the bitch that you are.
As with all seemingly simple instructions, there’s a lot of complexity hidden in that directive. Kneel, because standing on your own two feet encourages delusions of independence and competency. You are part of the complex interconnected web of all life — nothing you have or will have ever arose as the effect of your sole effort. Thousands of people working together created the basis for your success, so kneel in acknowledgment of your debt to them. Worship another living being, so that you may develop the ability to see the worth in all beings. I prefer my males bisexual, so learning to see the beauty in the human form is mandatory, and also good for your psyche and soul. Acknowledge that you are a bitch, in every way. You lust and yearn for connection, to be fucked and to fuck, and seek that on a subconscious level even when you’re not consciously aware. You are a little bitch; you may be ~my~ little bitch, if you beg appropriately.
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