All right, let’s get this session of Whore School underway! Today’s topic: Whore Slut vs Innocent Virgin.
At the heart of our society’s relationship with sex lies a dichotomy. Most of our societal and cultural structures can be broken down into binary pairs; adult/child, male/female, productive/unproductive… so it makes sense that we’d also break our moral systems around sexual activity down into similar binary pair ideas. We’ve got the Whore Slut on one side, and the Innocent Virgin on the other, with no moral or ethical middle ground in between. There’s a common saying “A Lady in the streets and a Whore in the sheets”, which encompasses the impossible standards for women in particular, but really, for all of us.
In many ways, here in the United States we have been shaped by our Puritan ancestors: they were very anti – Whore Slut.
I could write you an epic on exactly how and why Puritanical thought about sex and sin has not done any of us any favors, but that would be boring and full of cussing, so let’s skip it. Instead, I’ll simply point out that the very duality of Whore Slut versus Innocent Virgin arises from the notion that sex for pleasure is a sin, and therefore dirty, and therefore to be avoided, which comes directly from Puritan ideals. I’d like to challenge you, dear readers, to re-think the morality of sex for yourselves, instead of relying upon 300 year old dogmatic thoughts about sex and sin.
Let’s re-imagine a set of morals for Whore Sluts that doesn’t rely on shame or fear of punishment by a “Righteous God.”
Any set of morals arises from the answers to basic questions about the rightness of actions, thoughts, and words. So, leave aside the hammer of the looming Angry God Who Hates, and answer these questions:
- What is the purpose of sex?
- With whom may you have sex?
- What are the circumstances that lead to a sex act becoming off limits?
I have my own answers for these questions, but I want you, my sweet Whore Sluts in training, to come up with your own answers.
The answers to those three questions form the basis for a code of morality around sex and sexuality that is, in my opinion, healthier than the borrowed dichotomy of the Puritans. Try to answer these questions for yourself, without putting limits on what other people can and cannot do. Your own personal moral code does not ~have~ to be a moral code for a whole society, and it doesn’t have to stand up to the sexual habits of everyone else around you. You’re not a High Priest trying to reign in horny sheep herders and lonely housewives, you’re just one person working out a moral code for your own exploration into being a Whore Slut.
Kindly leave a comment with your answers to the three morality questions for Whore Sluts.
Next week we’ll have a discussion about the artificial construct of ‘Virginity’, and exactly what Sacred Sex is and means for you. This concludes this session of Whore School for Whore Sluts and (not so) Innocent Virgins.
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Sex is for procreation of course,and should only be entertained with one person of the opposite sex,under the condition of matrimony.
Well, that’s one set of answers, certainly.
What is the purpose of sex?
With whom may you have sex?
What are the circumstances that lead to a sex act becoming off limits?
The purpose of sex is to have fun and express an emotional connection with other people, however fleeting or lasting those may be.
You may have sex with anyone who you would like to have sex with, as long as they reciprocate that desire, and it doesn’t conflict with any agreements you have made with other parties.
If the other person is impaired such that they cannot give meaningful consent, if the act would be in any way illegal, or if uninvolved third parties would be harmed.
I knew I liked you!
That’s pretty much exactly what my code looks like. I approve! A+
Biologically, I would say that the purpose of sex is to continue the species. However, we as humans have evolved beyond that rather limited purpose. We shouldn’t limit ourselves to having sex only for creating new little humans, we should additionally take advantage of the physical pleasures of sex, since it just so happens that it feels so good.
We should be able to have sex with anyone we have an attraction to, in whatever ways we may enjoy, as long as both partners are willing and capable of making the decision to participate or not.
Sex should be off limits if one of the partners does not wish to participate, or if it would damage that person physically or emotionally,(unless they are a masochist and have a desire to be damaged).
Great questions and a great post, Ms Harper, and very thought provoking. I wish I’d had time to give a little more thought to my answers, but time is tight. Hoping to be able to make your show, and looking forward to the discussion!
Well see, I’d argue the biological argument: look at our closest relative species, and examine their sexual habits. Hell, look at any of the primate branch of the evolutionary tree and you’ll find animals that use sex to cement social ties, rather than sex purely for procreation. Sex leads to intimacy, for all primates, including us. Therefore sex is not and has never been purely for procreation in humans.
As for your other points: Totally agree!
Thank you for commenting!
Generally I agree with NB and Jemmie so I won’t repeat the same answers BUT I would certainly clarify (as I see it) Intercourse is for procreation. Sex is more than that. Think of all the sexual acts that have nothing to do with procreation or even meant to attract (beforehand) for the later purpose of procreation. In the animal kingdom there all kinds of rituals or dances meant to attract for the purpose of keeping the species alive. We humans have the same kind of rituals (foreplay?).
But sex IS a lot of things, physical, emotional, even intellectual if I dare say. Sometimes the purpose, well known to all the Mistress’ here is to explore various facets of ourselves. Non-sexual aspects expressed through sex or sexual acts.
What do we need for procreation? Sperm, a sperm delivery vehicle and a sperm receptacle.
The clitoris, the glorious clit, has nothing to do with procreation. It serves no purpose OTHER THAN pleasure. The clitoris is proof that sex is more than mere procreation.
Sing it brother! Yes.
The clit, the glorious clit, is not just an evolutionary leftover like the appendix, it is an organ developed for a specific purpose: pleasure. Humans seek pleasure in all things, and sex is no different. If it were not so, we would not have air conditioning, silk cloth, indoor flushing toilets or chocolate. Pleasure is the guiding lodestone of human advancement.
All hail the clit!
1. To satisfy an important human need….. and to have children
2. This is a relative question depending on who is answering. In other words, I believe there are several honest and ethical answers depending on who is answering. The key is to answer with integrity.
With that said my answer is…. Any mature individual that can legally and of reasonable mindset chose to be a consensual partner and that doesn’t violate an intimate commitment with another individual that can reasonably view the encounter as cheating.
It’s about integrity
3. Any circumstance that violates consent, safety, boundaries, and honoring active commitments to others.
I’m with you for 2 and 3 there, but 1? To procreate? That leaves an awful lot of activities that are sexy, sexual, and definitely fucking off the list. I mean, if I fuck you in the ass, that’s not gonna lead to a bouncing bundle of anything in ten months, y’know? But it’s still definitely sex.