As you know, I’m from Texas, and we have Abstinence Only sex education.
Let me clue you in about exactly what that means, in real world terms. Abstinence Only means that no one in the public educational system is ever taught about birth control, enthusiastic consent (much less how to obtain it), or what to do should you get a STD/STI. That’s right, if you’re on the receiving end of an Abstinence Only sex education, you’ve already been fucked by a system that should have helped you become a well educated adult.
To some people, the opposite of Abstinence Only education is Whore School.
Leaving aside the fact that Whore School sounds kinda awesome, it’s massively shortsighted to assume that the only possible alternative to pure chastity is to become a cum guzzling slut. There are shades of gray in between, I assure you! Plus, assuming that whores are cum guzzling sluts is silly: whores don’t guzzle cum, that’s how you get STD/STI issues.
For those whom Abstinence Only has left utterly screwed, I present Whore School.
That’s right, I’ve decided to say “fuck it” and open a school for whores. Not just a continuation of the Adult Sex Ed series from last year, this is going to take that concept and really run with it. Sex positive, body positive, all gender expressions welcome. Let’s learn how to guzzle cum, get jizz stains out of our favorite bras, and handle all of life’s weird little sexual kinks, fetishes, and turn-ons. Because fuck Abstinence Only education. Grab your bananas and condoms, we’re gonna learn how to fuck safely.
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Safety first, right Ms. Harper? WTF-abstinence only is unrealistic, and no match for raging hormones and natural sexual curiosity. We have Sex Ed here, where I live, but you cannot buy alcohol on Sundays or holidays. Crazy old man made laws that need a fresh, young update from our youth. Hopefully they will change things.
I like your new school, by the way. How do you get jizz out of your bra?
Safety first!
To get jizz out of a bra, dilute hydrogen peroxide to 10%, gently blot the stain with a clean cotton cloth soaked in the dilute H2O2, and then rinse with clean, cold water. Lay flat to dry.
😉 I have skills. (laundry skills)
All i have to say is i agree and Thank You.Common sense is appreciated.
So, can I count on you for Whore School? lol
a little common sense goes a long way.
Sign me up for Whore School too. I desperately want to suck off a cock and swallow a load but am afraid because of STD issues. To date, I’ve sucked tranny cock over a condom, but have not made one cum yet.
Well Sarah, in Whore School we’ll go over the signs of an unhealthy dick, and techniques for getting over the shyness of asking for their test results, as well as how to go get your own testing done so you can be safe, too.
Welcome to Whore School!
Thanks, Mistress Harper: I can’t hardly wait.
While my education did cover actual sex education, it included absolutely nothing about foot worship. A blog on how to properly worship feet would be fantastic reading, don’t want to do the wrong thing and end up kicked in the balls or the face 😀
Er, um, well, okay getting kicked in the balls might actually might not be so bad, but I suspect it is better when it is because she wants to do it and not because I did something horribly wrong while trying to massage her toes that cause her pain.
Hmm, foot worship the right way, eh? I suspect I can find a few small words to say on the subject. 😉