Well, really, it’s free phone sex with myself or any of the other lovely ladies of LDW.
I was trying to come up with the most eye catching, attention grabbing headline I possibly could, when it hit me that I shouldn’t bury the lede. After all, we’re talking free phone sex here, that’s the story, the entire line, the whole enchilada. You, your cock, masturbating on the phone, it’s fun and, this May 14 and 15, FREE.
Yes, there’s some fine print in this fabulous free phone sex offer.
You must have a credit card to prove you’re of age, though it won’t be charged for the initial $25. Yes, that’s right, you get $25 worth of phone sex, which, for us, is ten minutes spent wanking on the phone with us, for free, gratis, no charge, nada. And, if you want to talk for twenty minutes, you can use your $25 worth of time to get that twenty minute block for half price.
Have you been curious about cock control phone sex, but worried about our rate?
Let me tell you a little about my experience with luxury. You see, I worked my way through college in a jewelry store. I sold diamonds, rubies, gold and silver. I could find you the perfect bit of luxury to symbolize your event, memory, life experience, and it’d speak of your feelings for you to those you love. Every time I had someone ask about the price of gold, I’d tell them that you pay for quality. You can get ten karat gold or you can get the 18 karat. You can get a diamond with some inclusions or you can get flawless. But you’re gonna pay for what you get.
This weekend is your chance to experience 24 karat solid gold amazing phone sex, at no cost to you.
We’ve got the guarantee going for us, constantly. You don’t like a call, you don’t pay for it. We’ve got opportunities to earn free minutes with us through the Enchantrix Empire. Heck, drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do to help you out. But honestly, if you don’t call on the 14th or 15th, you’re missing out on a fantastic opportunity. One call, no cost and we’ll absolutely hook you. Once you experience exactly how amazing we are, you’ll never go back to the dollar-a-minute moan and groan phone sex world.
I really like that comparison, Ms. Harper. Obviously I’m partial in my opinion, but LDW really is the gold standard when it comes to phone sex and conversation. And hell, if they don’t believe us, they can try it risk free for themselves during this promotion. We’re definitely 24-karat solid gold.
We are the gold standard by which all other erotic conversations should be judged. Because we’re just that damn good. 😉