It’s a common thread between many callers: a fear of addiction to phone sex.
You’re not alone, if you’ve wondered whether or not you may be or become addicted to phone sex. Sex addiction is a real problem for some people, and finding a surrogate for face to face sex through phone sex can serve to transfer your addiction to phone sex from ‘regular’ sex. Phone sex doesn’t come with the same physical dangers that face to face sex does; you can’t catch a STD over the phone, and there will be no unexpected surprises in nine months. Yet the psychological issues remain.
For some callers, the fear is that they will become addicted to Me.
An addiction or dependance upon my voice, my mind, my efforts towards your eventual ruination is a real problem. It’s happened before; I don’t mean to tell you this to frighten you or make you uncertain about calling, but to highlight the very real dangers. For some personalities, addiction is a problem they need to face and grapple with.
If you fear you may become addicted to me, there are some questions you may find useful to ask yourself.
Do you have an addictive personality? Do you find yourself needing your morning cup of coffee, and then a couple more, and one at lunch, and caffeine throughout the day just to get by? When you smoke a cigarette, do you find it calms you from the first puff? Are the habitual behaviors that bring you intense relief, out of proportion to the action itself?
Are you unable to function when you haven’t heard my voice in too long?
I’m talking about extreme behaviors here. If you’ve sold your belongings to be able to call me, if you’ve pawned your jewelry, if you sneak away from business meetings to call and hear my voice, you have a problem.
Never fear: you probably aren’t addicted to phone sex.
You just really like it, enjoy it, and get a huge rush from calling. Letting someone else control your cock and dictate how you stroke can be great relief from stress and worry. Allowing yourself the freedom to wear panties or be humiliated for erotic pleasure is perfectly normal and healthy. So go ahead and indulge — just, as in all things, try to be moderate in your pleasures.
Ms. Harper ~ This is a very interesting post. Almost like a warning – lol. I have several callers that actually ask to become addicted. When they first email/message/call they ask, “will you make me addicted to you?’ Can you imagine posing that question to any other addiction? I agree many people have addictive personalities, and like gambling or extreme sports , phone sex is a rush. But others have dependent personalities and the need someone there for them. Then there are the ones ~ like you said ~ that just like it ~ to be who & how they want to be ~ and that is just cool as hell.
True, but there is the fantasy of being addicted which is not quite the same as actual addiction.
I agree that I would never want a man to harm himself to call me–that would just make me feel awful to know he’s not taking care of himself just so he can talk to me. Self-care is very sexy!
There are some things we can give our gentlemen callers that they cannot get elsewhere, though, and I think it is VERY normal to feel a need to get that–whether it be attention, a sense of well-being, or that fetish fix. I wouldn’t call it an “addiction,” but can still be very strong.
All things in moderation… and then some. Ms. Harper, with your voice and understanding of the personality types who just can’t get enough, it’s no wonder they keep coming back for more! But in reality, this is a much better vice then most, and usually a healthier outcome then others.
The sexual high from calling, stroking, and then getting off can sure take the tension off a much overloaded body. Its a lesser evil that is really no evil, but pure pleasure!
Ahhh,such a difficult grey area of navigation…to profess the idea of giving up self control,of falling under your spell,of taking a delicious bite of the forbidden apple.It comes in a very attractive,colorful package,but now has a small warning label on the back in black and white.
If it makes you feel any better, Rod, my warning labels come in fuschia. But here’s the really interesting thing: unlike other types of addictions, we Mistresses have the ability to care about you. Inanimate objects can’t feel for you the way we can and so it’s quite foreseeable that one might go off the deep end.Imagine your cigarettes saying “alright, put me down. I think you’ve had enough.” That in itself puts us in a a very non-classical category as a potentially addictive substance.
Fascinating post Empress Harper! I Think of it this way, if they are transferring their addiction to you from say, smoking or drinking, they’d be all the better for the transition. You do a body good in the sensual thrill department that can’t be said for the former two addictions. And yes, like Mistress Piper mentioned self-care is very sexy of course, but indulging in the allure of a mistress is a wonderful outlet when not done to excessive obsession (not that I could blame anyone from being utterly seduced by your charms). 😉
A good reminder that, ultimately, we are all responsible for our choices and actions.
there’s a fine line to dance there, isn’t there? personal responsibility and yet addiction can often steal so much pleasure and joy from life, and it’s not like a true addict can overcome their affliction through willpower alone. by and large, most of the time when someone says they’re addicted to phone sex, or to stroking, what they mean is they just really like it a lot. 😉
Yes, i really like sissy submission to You and humiliation from You a lot.