I bet you’re wondering what the hell Tantric Masturbation is, aren’t you.

The word “Tantra” is a Sanskrit word which means, roughly, ‘stretching oneself towards liberation.’ It also means ‘practice’, ‘system’ or ‘doctrine.’ Tantra grew out of the practice of Hinduism, one of the oldest surviving religious systems on the planet; tantra evolved alongside yoga, and indeed, yoga is a type of tantra.

And none of that means anything at all to you, does it. I know, I know, it’s confusing as all hell. Don’t worry, it gets easier as you go on. 😉

You don’t have to be a Hindu to practice Tantra; you don’t have to practice Tantra to Masturbate.

However, if you combine the practices of Tantra with your sexual play, you’ll reap enormous benefits. Tantric Masturbation happens when you combine sex with the disciplines common to Tantra. Tantra focuses on the body and on the spirit, and especially on the connection between the two. When you’re stretching towards liberation, the part of you that stretches is your body and your spirit, striving to become liberated from the illusion of separation.

That came out of left field for you, I know, but bear with me here. The illusion of separation is Maya. Maya is the world. The world is a huge illusion in your mind, that has got you convinced that ‘you’ are separate from everything else in the world. You are not connected to the chair you sit in, the air you breathe, the forests outside or the ever shifting matrix of the Divine. That’s Maya.

And Tantra is a practice that aims to show you the illusion and then to remove that illusion. You are not separate, you are not alone, you do not exist in a vaccuum, untouched and untouchable. The energy of the world is yours, and the practice of Sexual Tantra can make the energy of the world available to you through orgasm.

Tantric sex, masturbation and orgasm puts you in touch with all that is; it also can totally blow your mind.

Tantric disciplines include meditation, creative visualization, controlling your breath, yoga postures and mantras. Focusing the mind, disciplining the conscious mind and directing the body all together add up to truly cosmic sexual experiences. You can become one with God him/herself, acheive enlightenment, experience Godhead and then come back to this world, renewed, lightened and with a new outlook on life.

If I sound like I’ve been out gazing at lava lamps while hippies chant in the distance, well… not recently. But those hippies have been having amazing sex for a while now. As for Tantric Sex, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Kama Sutra. The most famous sex manual is a Tantric sex manual.

Next time you and I sit down and have a chat, ask me to tell you more about Tantric practices. (I’ve been practicing both Tantra and Zen for over a decade now.) I’ll be happy to tell you anything you want to know, and if you want to focus, visualize and chant with me, I’d be more than happy to!