There are a few things that will be constants in your life, ever present and unchanging. Your body, your bones, skin and cock will always be with you.
So many people have adverserial relationships with their bodies. You do, after all. You may be surprised how many other people also fight themselves on a daily basis. You fight against the needs and demands of your body, forcing yourself through your daily routine and fighting to stay ‘on track.’
When your body demands more sleep, you reply with more coffee. When you catch yourself thinking of soft fabrics and pretty clothes, you instead adjust your too tight tie. And when your cock, your libido demands some attention, you silence it with a quick five minute jerk session in the last stall of the office washroom.
You’ve spent most of your life training yourself to totally ignore your body, demanding that it perform on demand and answer to your commands.
You’ve been trying so hard for so long to utterly control your cock, your life, your mind, your heart, your soul, your job, your family, your yard, your laundry, your every freaking moment… Stop. Just stop.
There is a part of yourself that knows that quashing every expression of your natural bodily desires and needs in order to fit more smoothly into the machinery of the modern world isn’t healthy or wise. Why else would you still have these desires crop up, over and over again? You want to follow your dreams, do as you please and experience as much pleasure and ecstasy as you possibly can. Your body demands one thing and your brain wants another.
But does your brain really want that? Your mind? Or have you just followed along with what everyone says you should want?
The funny word at the very top of this page is Muladhara. It’s a Sanskrit word, the name for the root chakra. Muladhara is where your kundalini energy lives, where your spirit connects to your body, it is the seat and the root of your being. Muladhara is where you start.
The next time you masturbate, I want you to think of your base chakra. It’s located between your balls and your ass. I want you to feel it pulsate with your heartbeat and in time with your breath. Imagine that the energy and force of your entire life runs through it, bringing you into deeper connection with your body. Take your time masturbating this time. No five minute rush job, I want you to linger…
This is how Tantric Masturbation starts. Interested in more?
would love to explore this more – I have so little control on my own and want to imprvove that and take my orgasms/sexual encounter to be so much better.
oh, Tantra is such a wonderful set of tools to use to get more pleasure, more ecstasy and more happiness in general! I definitely think you should explore it more. 😉