He’d been sitting zazen all day, slowly raising and lowering Kundalini energy through his body. He could feel the thrum of his own blood, through his arteries and veins, the push and pull of his breath. His hands, open, relaxed and receptive, weighed on his thighs, unmoving. He’d sat in lotus, the meat of his ass spread for greater connection to the gound, and he’d begun.

With each breath, his energy built. In and it would rise, out and it would ebb. Washing in and out of him in an endless tide, his breath pulled the energy, the energy pulled his attention, his attention pulled his mind, his mind pulled his breath. On and on, building and rising endlessly.

He deeply enjoyed the visceral sensation of sitting there, relaxed and open. He breathed with her, took her in through his eyes and his ears, matching breath for breath, vital energies combined and meshed. Her nipples were hard buttons, he could see a sheen of wetness on her inner thighs, and his cock rested heavy and turgid against his thigh.

Aroused, engaged, alert, he sat in the moment with her. Locked eyes with her, and just… breathed.

She’d introduced him to tantric masturbation a few months back. He’d already been toying with meditation to reduce his stress, so the idea of sitting naked with her for a few hours sounded like even more fun. Naked partnered meditation, what did he have to loose, he thought.

What did he have to gain, should have been his thought. An obsession, a desire, an endless new path to follow and delve. Sitting, breathing with her, knowing that she could literally think herself into an orgasm, and that she was teaching him to do the same? He was caught.

She promised that soon he would cum without touching, explode from just a thought and that his sex life would never be the same. He believed her, because already he could feel his cock dripping and aching, and he hadn’t laid a finger on it.

She’d caught him, mesmerized his cock, his mind, and his energy. He belonged to her when he sat zazen now, and there was no turning back. She could control his cock, and he loved it.