spectrum of sexualigy, Harper 800 356 6169Just like “Queer” is a confusing word, “Trans” can really throw people for a loop.

If you think of gender as a spectrum instead of as a binary, you’ll be getting  a whole lot closer to what seems to be the reality of gender in humans. You see, we’re not just either male or female; as with almost everything related to humanity, it’s more complicated than that.

There are three main components to people’s sexuality: sex, gender and attraction.

All three of these component parts of human sexuality are spectral. I mean, they’re not binary, they’re more like shades of gray. Male, Female and Intersex (yep, three biological sexes in our species!) are the names for the ‘types’ of genitalia. Your gender is composed of both what you decide it is and the external societal and cultural artifacts that you employ to express said gender. Sexual attraction refers to who you find sexually arousing.

Confused yet? Just wait.

Imagine for a moment that you were born with the biological sex of a male, but the interior gender identification of a female. Or vice versa. Picture being dead certain that you were born in the wrong body. Whether you come to that realization gradually over time or are just certain in your bones that it’s true from day one, feeling that alien in your own skin is a special kind of hell.

For trans people, there can be relief.

From dressing in the clothing of one’s professed gender, living as that gender all the way to gender reassignment surgery, there are things that can be done to ease the ache of living in the wrong body. Sadly, there is very little that can be done to ease the pain of loosing loved ones who can’t accept the gender issues of trans people.

Lest we forget the third axis of our human sexuality spectra, let’s visit attraction for a moment.spectra biology attraction Harper 800 356 6169

No matter what gender you identify as (male, female, both, neither, something else…) the odds are that you do experience some form of sexual attraction. Yes, there are asexual people who really truly don’t experience any sexual urges, but they are vanishingly rare. Overwhelmingly, humans experience sexual urges; humans have the urge to have sex with all sorts of people of all sorts of gender expressions. This goes for trans people as well! Not shockingly at all, trans people also get horny and want to fuck. Tgirls want to do sexual things, transmen want to have their cock sucked. Nothing about gender negates sexual attraction; and just because you may identify with the gender your biology matches this doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to a trans person.

God knows I think a hot chick with a huge dick is hot. And a guy who used to be a woman? Sign me up!