Mistress Harper 800 356 6169Welcome back to Sex Education for Adults!

I’ve gotten real damn tired of the state of our Sex Ed classes nowadays. I’ve had to have way too many conversations with adults about their anatomy, the basics of STD’s, and even just how to have good sex! It’s embarrassing! So, I’ve come up with a cure. Come here, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about sex.

Today’s lesson: Anatomy and Gender.

I’ve written before about gender identity, but let’s get down to the nitty gritty. What you’ve got between your legs is your sex. How you think of yourself is your gender identity. Sometimes your sex doesn’t match your identity; when sex and identity don’t match, you can be said to be transgendered. The proper term is “transgender person”. If your sex and identity match, you’re a cisgendered person. There are quite a few rather famous people who are trangendered: Laverne Cox has won critical acclaim and popular fame for her role on Orange is the New Black, while Aydian Dowling is in the running to win the Ultimate Guy contest put on by Men’s Health.

If your sex is male, then you’re probably very familiar with the visible part of your genitalia.

Cross section view of a male's genital region.

This is a cross-section view of a male phallus. (watercolor over line, 4/19/15 painted by Harper)

Brace yourselves guys, there’s more going on down there! You’ve got a lot of fun spots to play with between your legs, and one of the most important of them is your prostate gland. The prostate wraps around your urethra and encompasses your ejaculatory duct, which ushers sperm from your seminal vesicles to your urethra, and thence onward through the penis. Most men find stimulation of the prostate to be very pleasurable, which isn’t surprising, given how important it is for your health and pleasure during sex. You can massage the prostate by pressing gently yet firmly up into your body from behind your testicles, or from within your anus. There’s a reason a lot of men love anal sex!

For people whose sex is female, just wait ’til you find out about the clitoris.

Cross section view of female genital region.

This is a cross-section view of a woman’s genitals. (watercolor over line, 4/19/15, painted by Harper)

Actually, men who adore sex with women should also pay attention to the clitoris. Let me start by letting you in on a secret: it’s more involved than just that little nubbin. The clitoris is actually a large internal structure, of which the nub that sits at the top of the vulva is just the tip of the iceberg. The clitoris has internal legs that wrap around and hug the urethra, vagina, and anus of a woman. When a woman becomes aroused, the clitoris engorges just like a penis does; the external nub becomes more prominent and more sensitive, and the internal legs also swell and become more sensitive. That, by the way, is why penetrative sex feels good for women.

Questions? Feel free to email me, call me, or leave a comment here with your questions or areas that need more clarification.

Next in the series: Part three, Orientation and Desire