Mistress Harper will lock you in a chastity device. (800)356-6169There’s been a fair amount of research in the last decade on the topic of happiness, and the sources of it.

As it turns out, the most bang for your buck comes when you purchase an experience, instead of a material thing. When you buy an object, you have the shopping experience, the happiness you feel from using or looking at or otherwise interacting with the item, but then there’s a fizzle. With an experience, there’s anticipation, the experience itself, and then fond memories of the experience. That’s three times the happiness!

When we’re talking about erotic happiness, we’re not talking about a new butt plug.

We’re talking about using that new butt plug! It’s not the having of the toy that makes it the most fun, but the use of it.

The fact that the best happiness comes from an experience means the better the experience, the more long term happiness you’ll accrue from it. “Waiting for an experience apparently elicits more happiness and excitement than waiting for a material good”, according to research reported on by The Atlantic. Anticipation of an experience, even an erotic experience, is far and away the most joy inducing thing you can possibly arrange for yourself.

And that’s why chastity training is the most blissful experience you can have.

Chastity is all about the anticipation. It’s pure waiting for an amazing experience, and the best part is that the longer you wait for the experience, the better it will be when it finally arrives, and the more you’ll treasure the memory of the experience later! It’s literally perfect. Science says you should be in chastity, because it’ll make you happy.

And who are we to argue with science?

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