Let’s get kinky, and fuck like God’s watching!unholy blasphemy phone sex 800 6017259

Sometimes I get in the mood to really piss off the religious right. Those times call for unholy blasphemy sex. I’m not talking about the sorta vanilla Baby Jesus Butt Plug, although for the chronically vanilla that can be quite a thrill; I’m talking about let’s fuck on the altar and call God a damn pussy, bathe in the baptismal, and use pages from the Bible to blow our noses, kinky fucking awesome sex. Let’s pick a denomination of Christianity and go out of our way to fucking piss those losers off. Jesus died for your sins, eh? Well, can you blow me for mine? I’ve got a huge thick strap on cock that’ll make you think you done died and gone to heaven once you start cumming like a little bitch on it.

800 601 7259 unholy blasphemy sexUnholy blasphemy sex can be really fun.

You should give it a try, sometime. C’mon, you know you’re a sinner, so why try to hide it? Why pretend that you’re so fucking righteous, that you’ve never committed a mortal sin, or a venal sin, (hell, how many of you ever so righteous mother fuckers know the difference between a mortal and venal sin, anyway?!) You go to church and then feel so fucking good about yourselves, and then go right back to hating your neighbors and campaigning to strip people different from you of their civil rights, all in the name of your Prince of Peace… so go on, jump into the deep end, commit some unholy blasphemy sex games and admit the truth: you’d do literally anything in the name of your own pleasure, no matter how depraved and fucked up.