Harper knows you. 800 356 6169Can you believe I hadn’t watched Girl 6 before?

It’s true. I’d somehow managed to go all this time working phone sex and I hadn’t seen one of the most famous phone sex movies of all time. Girl 6 follows the career of a young actress in New York. She has trouble with relationships (her squeeze is a thief), with landing acting gigs and with money. To solve her problems, she takes a position working phone sex in a call center.

A major plot point is the difference between call center girls and at home girls.

Madonna has a role as the owner of a phone sex company (looking smoking hot, may I say), dispatching calls to working ladies to return, collect, at a later date. The line she’s running is a very explicit taboo line, and our eponymous Girl 6 doesn’t like that idea, so she goes to a call center. I’ve never worked in a call center, so I don’t know directly what that is like, but it kinda looked like fun.

Despite the fact that I liked the movie, there are some huge discrepancies between how phone sex is portrayed and the reality of phone sex.

In the movie, the heroine is repeatedly cautioned against ‘getting hooked’ on phone sex, as well as some vague recriminations against cumming with the callers. Let me put on my educator hat right here and fix that issue publicly. You can’t get hooked on phone sex. You can certainly try, and you can become psychologically dependent upon anything if you bend your brain enough, but in reality land? Yeah, no. As for there being something wrong with cumming with your callers, god I hope not! A nice healthy orgasm won’t hurt you any, and it won’t hurt your Mistress either.

That said, she did make some mistakes.

She worked too much. You can burn out on anything, and if you’re good at phone sex that means you’re putting a lot of mental and emotional energy into it. If you’re taking this as a career, then you’re going to want to be aware of your own needs and prioritize appropriately. Oh, and needless to say, the part where she tries to meet a caller? Let’s inject some real world facts here: Bob Regular could have been as much of a homicidal maniac as the nameless client at the end of the movie who scares her into moving to L.A.

All in all, I liked Girl 6.

I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone wanting a good idea of what working phone sex is like today, but it was entertaining and pretty. Plus, her wigs were awesome! And I’m totally in love with her version of Foxy Brown, Lovely Brown. You dig it?xoxo, Harper