Beg for Harper 800 356 6169Everyone wants better sex.

And by ‘better’ I mean mindblowing, amazing, curl-your-toes-and-cry orgasmic sex. Who doesn’t want that? If I told you you could go from the sort of sex you have now to something that makes your ‘everyday’ sex seem like the most boring and humdrum chore, and that it’s not really that hard or difficult to master, wouldn’t you be clammoring and begging for me to share that secret with you?

You want to know how to have fantastic orgasms.

Let’s jut take that as read, shall we? Of course you do. I have the key, and I’m perfectly willing to share it with you. Here’s the first step to mindblowing orgasms: meditate.

For most of the modern world, the idea of meditation is a major buzzkill. Mention meditation and people instantly start thinking about sitting on the floor staring at the wall or a candle and trying to to constantly fidget or scratch a phantom itch. The thing that people instantly start doing wrong when they first set out to meditate is to assume that their mind and their body are mutually exclusive things, at war with one another and in competition for resources.

Your body and your mind are two halves of the same whole.

Without your body, you just aren’t going to be having sex or orgasms. Period. And without your mind, your orgasms won’t be as good as they could be. The most important sexual organ you have is your brain, the home to your mind. If the brain is the computer, your mind is the OS. Therefore it makes sense to learn to optimize your OS, right? Meditation allows you to come to peace with your own mind, lets you hack your own reactions, fantasies and instincts, and leads directly to greater orgasms.

Want to cum your brains out? Learn to meditate.

Meditation is the practice of consciously altering your mental state. Trance is a type of altered mental state. Get good at meditation and you get really good at dropping into and out of trance states. Do you see the connection yet? Take my word for it, guys. Meditation is the first step to mastering trance states, and you want to master trance states so you can have amazing mind blowing sex.