Harper controls you with a smile 800 356 6169There’s a problem with the entire idea of a Mind Fuck.

I frequently have submissives approach me with a seemingly simple request: they want me to fuck with their heads. The problem with their request is that they’re asking for one thing and expecting another; to whit, when you ask me to fuck with your mind, you’ve got an idea already in place about what’s going to happen, and by its very definition, a mind fuck cannot be anticipated! A proper deep, pounding mind fuck will leave you absolutely dumbfounded and lost in amazement, wondering how the hell you wound up where you are. If you walk in thinking you know where you’re gonna wind up…

Part of the real fun of a Mind Fuck is the anticipation.

I do enjoy fucking with your head. I like the challenge of taking you somewhere you never thought you’d go, giving you an experience so unique and unusual that it brands itself into your mind and changes everything you thought you knew about yourself. The best way to create a truly grand mind fuck is to hit you with it when you’re not expecting it, when you can’t anticipate where I’m going with the experience — but I know you want to have the fun of the anticipation too!

So let’s say you want to have your mind fucked. How do you ask for something if you can’t be specific about it?

This works best if you give me a list of possible ingredients, and then trust me to make a great meal from it. I may not use all the ingredients you hand me, I might even add in a few that you’d never thought to use before, but, if you trust me to fuck with your mind on my terms, I can promise that you will wind up amazed and aghast and absolutely dumbfounded over where we go together.

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