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Give me control over your cock

I want to own your cock.

Actually, let me rephrase that: I want to own every inch of you. Your skin, your bones, your cock, your cum, your mind, your heart and every iota of energy you possess. All of everything that makes you, you. I want it all.

I want you to kneel at my feet, silent, subservient and obedient. I want your head bowed, your breathing slowed, your mouth shut. I want you waiting in anticipation of my next command, willing to leap instantly to obey my slightest whim.

You want me to own your cock, too.

You’ve been craving this, aching for this level of control and ownership. You have yearned and searched and wanted with your entire being for far too long. You want to give up control and ownership of yourself. You don’t want to be responsible for yourself, for your cock, for your pleasure or pain.

You want to let go and exist in the endless moment, hanging suspended from My fingertips, breathless and wanting. You want this so badly you can taste it. How it would feel to kneel, to wait, to obey. Not to think, not to make decisions, to have absolutely no say in anything that happens to you.

To give me control over your cock is your greatest dream.

Imagine it; kneeling before me, naked and slightly sweaty. Your breaths deepen and your shoulders slump as you relax into your submission. There is nothing to anticipate, nothing to think around, nothing to worry about. I’ve got it all taken care of. You can let go, give it all to me. Give me your cum, your cock, your soul.

It’s been far too long since you last knelt before me. You should call me now, confess your kinky phone sex fantasies to me now. Give yourself to me.